Our Cartooned Tees are printed on Hanes Nano-T's and Gildan 2000 6.1 ounce heavyweight tee shirts for sizes small through xxx-large.
Please allow up to two weeks for delivery as from time to time due to heavy demand shirts are out of stock and we have to print more.
Your order typically will ship via USPS via first class mail.
When you receive your shirt we insert wash and care instructions but just in case here they are again: With all embellished apparel it is always a good idea to NEVER use Fabric Softener or Bleach. When you wash your CARTOONEDTEE it is always a good idea to wash it inside out and Tumble Dry on a Low temperature (once again inside out) or better yet you can hang dry your t-shirt.
After you get your CARTOONEDTEE please tag us when you post a picture of you or your friends wearing one of our CARTOONEDTEES...TAG US ON INSTAGRAM @cartoonedtees or facebook please mention us @cartoonedtees.
Wear your CARTOONEDTEES in good health and we appreciate your business!